Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
: feminist economy, precariousness, labor market, social policies, household income 1 Aafectos -, emoción -, amor -, contrato -, responsabilidad afectiva 1 Afro-Argentine Women, Art, Spaces of Blackness 1 Argentina 1 Autonomía literaria 1 Carolina Maria de Jesus – Casa de Alvenaria – Quarto de Despejo – mercado editorial – escritoras negras 1 Feminismos 1 Feminisms 1 Gender 1 Género 1 Harlem, Panama, Jazz, Music, Greater Caribbean, Race 1 Harlem, Panamá, jazz, música, Gran Caribe, raza 1 Literary autonomy 1 Lolita 1 Mary Peabody Mann;, amistad;, cartas;, Domingo Sarmiento;, Juana Manso 1 Mary Peabody Mann;, friendship;, letter;, Domingo Sarmiento;, Juana Manso 1 Medical sexology, Cisheteronormative regulations, Sexual response, Sildenafil, Practical imbalances 1 Migration 1 Naciones Unidas 1 Special Rapporteurs 1 The purpose of this essay is to think of the power structure that articulates within the economy (Illouz) or social circulation (Ahmed) of love; and also to observe the so-called “affective responsibility” as a way of “reaction” to that structure. The political and social feminist theory has identified libidinal economy as one of the most fundamental sources of social opression based on gender. It was probably Carole Pateman who first offered a modern genealogy of that oppression, going back to social contract theories and the liberal notion of consent. Paradoxically, by the time in which Pateman offered her sexual contract theory, the marriage institution was on crisis, as it would be demonstrated by the sociologist Eva Illouz. Nowadays, marriage coexists with new forms of sexoaffective filiation that are not less oppressive. Historically feminism has been pessimistic regarding the possibility of thinking non oppressive ways of affective, cisheterosexual relations. Nonetheless, we arguewould like to propose that the idea of “affective responsibility”, which has recently been very popular in Argentina, is presented as a way of reaction to oppression. To the extent of giving more specificity to this notion, we will lean on Sara Ahmed and Judith Butler’s work 1 Trafficking 1 United Nations 1 Vladimir Nabokov 1 Women 1 abortion 1 aborto 1 afroargentinas, arte, espacios de negritud 1 black feminist theory, habla de negros, early modern Spanish black women, performative self-fashioning, material culture 1 contemporary poetry, women’s prison, time, memory 1
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    por Aczel, Ilona C.
    Publicado 2013
    Materias: ...derecho...
    Aportado por: Mora
    Artículo revista
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    por Pacecca, María Inés
    Publicado 2013
    ...En marzo de 1994, la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas creó la Relatoría Especial...
    Aportado por: Mora
    Artículo revista
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    por Felisberto, Fernanda
    Publicado 2022
    Materias: ...Carolina Maria de Jesus – Casa de Alvenaria – Quarto de Despejo – mercado editorial – escritoras...
    Aportado por: Mora
    Artículo revista
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    por Andujar, Claudia
    Publicado 2023
    Aportado por: Mora
    Artículo revista
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    por Geler, Lea, Yannone, Carmen
    Publicado 2022
    Materias: ...afroargentinas, arte, espacios de negritud...
    Aportado por: Mora
    Artículo revista
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    por Steedman, Carolyn
    Publicado 2014
    ... persona; nadie tiene derecho alguno sobre esto salvo él mismo”.1 El trabajo de su cuerpo, el trabajo de...
    Aportado por: Mora
    Artículo revista
  20. 20
    Materias: feminist theory, habla de negros, early modern Spanish black women, performative self...
    Aportado por: Mora
    Artículo revista